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Name: mynet.apk download
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Published: flexonjepan1974
Language: English
If you plug these three words, “define thesis statement” into a Google app on your smart phone, your phone may turn up this statement (as mine did): Are the main idea and the thesis statement the same thing? “thesis statement, noun, a short statement, usually one sentence, that summarizes the MAIN POINT or claim of an essay, research paper, etc., and is developed, supported and explained in the text by means of examples and evidence.” Answer Wiki. I think the answer to your question is, yes, the main idea and the thesis statement SHOULD BE the same thing. In my experience as a teacher, however, many students have difficulty confining the “"main point” to a “short statement” or “"single sentence” so that the “thesis statement” becomes convoluted and the larger thesis loses both essential clarity and brevity.